In various instances, such as award ceremonies, competitions, and social events, both staff and parents may desire to capture photographs of children. The term 'mobile phones & cameras' encompasses all handheld devices capable of capturing photographic imagery. These images may be distributed through print, DVDs, media promotions, website features, or other technologies. The aim of this policy is not to prohibit the use of mobile phones and cameras within the club but rather to ensure the safety of children and protect individual rights.
This policy is established to guarantee that:
Safeguarding Children
The well-being and protection of our children are of utmost importance, and careful consideration is always given to whether the use of photography may endanger them. Images have the potential to be misused, such as in instances of 'grooming' or inappropriate online displays.
Therefore, parental and carer consent is always sought before taking photographs or videos. Consent is sought from those with parental responsibility, which may include the local authority for looked-after children.
Parental Consent
Parents/carers will be requested to complete a consent form indicating their agreement or objections to the use of images of their child. In writing, parents/carers are asked to confirm that they will notify the club if they no longer wish images of their child to be used for any reason. It is important to note that once images are in circulation or have been published, their removal may be impossible, although every effort will be made to prevent future use. The club will inform parents in advance if their child is likely to appear in the press for publicity purposes.
The media may be invited to cover club events or showcase the achievements of both the club and its students. The media operates under its own code of practice.
Parents will be informed via the club newsletter when any student is likely to appear in the press. Images may be shared with other titles within the same media syndicate.
Students whose parents have withheld permission will not be photographed by the media.
Club Publicity
Photographs and videos of students may be featured in the club's newsletter, prospectus, and on the club's website. Individual names will not be associated with the images, and in cases where photographic permission has been denied, the photographs will not be published.
This policy will undergo review every three years.